Advance Official Website Masterclass Pro – Mermaid Graphic
AWMP – (Advance Official website Masterclass Pro) SYLLABUS Overall Goal: To equip students with a comprehensive understanding of information in […]
AWMP – (Advance Official website Masterclass Pro) SYLLABUS Overall Goal: To equip students with a comprehensive understanding of information in […]
BITA – (Basic in Information Technology Application) SYLLABUS Overall Goal: To equip students with a comprehensive understanding of information in
AMTP – (Advance Master Typing Pro) SYLLABUS Overall Goal: To equip students with a comprehensive understanding of master typing and
DITA – (Diploma in Information Technology Application) SYLLABUS Overall Goal: To equip students with a comprehensive understanding of information in
CITA – (Certificate in Information Technology Application) SYLLABUS Overall Goal: To equip students with a comprehensive understanding of graphic design
AITA – (Academic Information Technology Application) SYLLABUS Overall Goal: To equip students with a comprehensive understanding of information in computer
ANEP – (Advance Nuke Editing Pro) SYLLABUS Overall Goal: To equip students with a comprehensive understanding of graphic design techniques
ADEP – (Advance Davinci Resolve Editing Pro) SYLLABUS Overall Goal: To equip students with a comprehensive understanding of graphic design
ACEP – (Advance Canva Editing Pro) SYLLABUS Overall Goal: To equip students with a comprehensive understanding of graphic design techniques
AFEP – (Advance Filmora Editing Pro) SYLLABUS Overall Goal: To equip students with a comprehensive understanding of graphic design techniques